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Railway Appliance Research Ltd. #115 - s/n 3350 @ the yards of Vancouver Wharfs Ltd. in North Vancouver,  British Columbia, Canada - 03/1970
Built 04/04/1936 - Std. gauge - 13" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 3 trucks - Pacific Coast model

at Fort Steele Heritage Town, British Columbia, Canada
Photo from the Robert Turner collection. 
Raine, John & Co. #1 - s/n 1991
Built 07/24/1907 ~ 36" ~ (2)7" x 12" cylinders ~ 26" drivers ~ 18 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Rainetown, West Virginia.
Raine Lumber Co. #3 - s/n 3131 - destined for Honeydew, West Virginia
Built 10/23/1920 - Std. gauge - 12" x 15" - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

Operational @ Cass Scenic Railroad State Park - Cass, West Virginia

Ranwood Lumber Co. #3 - s/n 2731
Built 03/15/1914 ~ 36" gauge ~ 8" x  8" cylinders ~ 27½" drivers ~ 24 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive, named "Boot Jack", operated near the company's Pickens, West Virginia.
Photo credit: West Virginia University Libraries 

Rapides Lumber Co., Ltd. #3 - s/n 564 - circa 1904
Built 11/12/1898 - 36" - 9" x 8" cylinders -
26" drivers - 20 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Woodworth, Louisiana.   Rapides was a subsidiary of Long-Bell Lumber Co.
Photo hosted by: Texas Transportation Archive

Rapides Lumber Co., Ltd. #5 - s/n 828 - circa 1904
Built 12/19/1903 - 36" gauge - 10" x 10" cylinders -
28" drivers - 33 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Woodworth, Louisiana.   Rapides was a subsidiary of Long-Bell Lumber Co.
Photo hosted by: Texas Transportation Archive

Ray Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 2560
Built 08/21/
1912 - Std gauge - 10" x 10" cylinders - 29" drivers - 36 tons - 2 trucks

he locomotive operated near Ray, Maine

Ray Lumber Co. #1 ~  s/n 3217
Built 06/16/1923 ~ Std
gauge ~ 11" x 12" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 50 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near
Atmore, Alabama.
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID= AR255-114-0-1_L-2827_1-2
Rayonier Inc. #3 - s/n 2305 - Polson Museum, Hoquiam, Washington
Built 05/09/1910 - Std. gauge - 8" x 8" cylinders - 27½ drivers - 24 tons - 2 trucks

Photo credit: Troyce Brooks collection

Rayonier Inc. #5 - s/n 2855 - near Sekiu, Washington
Built 06/10/1916 - Std. gauge -12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

Rayonier Inc. #7 - s/n 3012 - Sekiu, Washington
Built 04/14/1919 - Std gauge - 12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

Bud Laws collection
Rayonier Inc.  #10 - s/n 3348  @Tillicum Park  in Forks, Washington - preserved
Built 04/29/1930 - std. gauge - 13" x 15" cylinders - 36" dia. drivers

After being built for
stock by Lima in 1930,  it remained unsold for 11 years until finally purchased by Ozette Timber Company.  In 1945 it was purchased by Rayonier and later retired to Forks in 1959.

Photo provided courtesy of Uwe Doerflein of Cadolzburg, Germany
Data provided courtesy of Brian Fritz

Rayonier Inc. #15 - s/n 3318 @ Soho Camp in 1953
Built 04/08/1928 ~ Std. gauge ~ 13" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 78 tons ~ 3 trucks ~ Pacific Coast model

The locomotive operated near the company's Sekiu, Washington location.
Rayonier Inc. #91 - s/n 3322 - Hoquiam, Washington
Built 11/15/1928 - Std gauge - 13" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 3 trucks - Pacific Coast model

Bud Laws collection
Red River Lumber Co. #300 - s/n 1840
Built 07/13/1907 - Std gauge - 17" x 18" cylinders - 46" drivers - 150 tons - 4 trucks

The locomotive operated near Westwood, California
The photo is part of the Mantin E. Hansen collection
Reed, H. W.  & Sons Construction Co. #1- s/n 2806
Built 09/22/1914 - 24" gauge -  (2)6" x 10" cylinders - 22" drivers - 13 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated at the company's Mishawaka, Indiana location.
Reese-Kitchen Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 2188
Built 06/14/1909 ~ 36" ~ (2) 6" x 10" cylinders ~ 22" drivers ~ 13 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Wrigley, Kentucky
The photo is part of the Morehead State University Collection.   Four Kentucky companies owned this locomotive at various times.   It is unknown which owned the locomotive at the time it is pictured.
Due to this uncertainty and to facilitate its publication on this site, the above stated owner was arbitrarily chosen from this group of Kentucky owners as the owner for this entry.
Rheem Manufacturing Co. - s/n 3342
Built 09/27/1929 - 36" gauge - 10" x 10" cylinders - 29" drivers - 36 tons - 2  trucks

The locomotive operated at the company's Shipbuilding Division near Harbor Junction Wharf, Rhode Island.
It was converted to standard gauge prior to its acquisition by the company.

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Page changed: February 21, 2024 02:39:34 PM