Shay Locomotive Patents

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By Ephraim Shay

  Patent Number Title Patent Issue Date


242,992 Locomotive Engine     June 14, 1881 Ephraim Shay
269,473 Universal Joint     December 19, 1882 Ephraim Shay
301,528 Valve Gear     July 8, 1884 Ephraim Shay
706,604 Locomotive Truck     August 12, 1902 Ephraim Shay


Patents Lima Used in Production

  Patent Number Title Patent Issue Date


338,032 Steam Car Brake     March 16, 1886 Ira P. Carnes
879,617 Locomotive Crank Shaft Bracket     February 18, 1908 Lewis E. Feightner
884,693 Driving Wheel and
Gear Rim Connection
    April 14, 1908 George L. Wall

Valve Gear

(SN 2570)
August 11, 1908 Lewis E. Feightner 

Steam Engine Mounting
for Geared Locomotives

(All Shays with cylinders not mounted to the boiler,
from Sept.1927 to June of 1929.)

October 14, 1913 Lewis E. Feightner 
1,376,061 Geared Locomotive     April 26, 1921 William E. Woodard
1,380,457 Driving Wheel Center     June 7, 1921 William E. Woodard
Herbert W. Snyder
1,514,241 Motor for Geared Locomotives     November 4, 1924 William E. Woodard
1,528,355 Geared Locomotive Frame
 and Boiler Support
    March 3, 1925 William E. Woodard
Herbert W. Snyder
1,786,854 Locomotive Frame and
 Engine Supporting Structure
    December 30, 1930 Robert B. Krueger
1,826,290 Locomotive Steam Distribution     October 6, 1931 Robert B. Krueger
Herbert W. Snyder
1,826,292 Geared Locomotive Engine
    October 6, 1931 Robert B. Krueger
David B. Thorburn
1,839,273 Geared Locomotive    January 5, 1932 Herbert W. Snyder
1,868,282 Flexible Coupling for Shafts    July 19, 1932 Lewis E. Feightner 
1,870,019 Locomotive  August 2, 1932 George Niegemann

Railway Vehicle Truck

(s/n 3150 & 3151)

May 16, 1929 Lewis E. Feightner 


Patents Lima  Did Not Utilize

  Patent Number Title Patent Issue Date


893,041 Locomotive July 14, 1908 George L. Wall
Lewis E. Feightner
939,237 Superheater for
Locomotive Boilers
November 9,  1909 Lewis E. Feightner 
1,075,772 Multiple Wheeled Truck
for Geared Locomotives
October 14, 1913 Lewis E. Feightner 
1,077,580 Geared Locomotive With
Independently Hung Axles
November 4, 1913 William A. Austin
Lewis E. Feightner




We are grateful to George R. Kadelak for his contribution of the majority of the patent numbers on this page.


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