Steam Missionary Geared Steam Locomotive

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"A Steam Missionary"
Scientific American - August 1, 1896



A Steam Missionary


We have received from Mr. James H. Stevens, of the Barney & Smith Car Company, Dayton, O., a photograph of a novel and interesting logging machine, which we herewith reproduce.  Mr. Stevens has forwarded the design with the request that it should be "brought before the mechanics of the country merely as a suggestion in the direction of cheaper logging in timber too sparsely distributed to justify the use of steel rails,"  he trusts that "some one may be stimulated to get up something on the same order that will be a great deal higher, with the same or greater power, and that can be utilized for pioneer work as well as lumbering".  **** DO NOT COPY ****  Violators will be prosecuted!

The engine, as will be seen, is adapted to run on a pole road; but it is also arranged so that it can be quickly changed so as to run on standard iron road; or, if desired, upon the ground as a traction engine.  The engines are of 30 horse power, and steam is supplied by a boiler of the Scotch marine type.  The weight of the whole engine is about 11 tons, and the cost about $3,000.  The train, when equipped for work, will consist of the engine, as shown, a water car, and four logging cars.  The engine is provided with sheet-iron wood boxes, one at the front and one on each side; and on the right hand side, as shown in the cut, is a water tank which counterbalances the weight of the heavy chain gearing on the opposite side of the boiler. It is provided with a shaft and pulley through which it could furnish power for a sawmill or for other purposes.  **** DO NOT COPY ****  Violators will be prosecuted!

The engine is mounted on springs and the boiler is arranged so that it can be tilted on sharp grades in order to maintain the water level.  To enable it to turn very sharp curves without breaking the driving chains it is provided with compensating gear.  At each end of the engine a steam reel is provided, each of which can carry 2,000 feet of wire rope, by means of which the engine can haul in logs from a distance of 2,000 feet to right or left.  By means of these ropes it can haul itself up a grade of 1,700 feet to the mile; and then use its whole force in hauling the load up after it.  This system of wire haulage it is claimed is specially adapted to logging in swamp country, where the ground is too soft to permit the use of cattle.  The first machine to be built has been shipped to Nicaragua, where it will be used in getting out mahogany logs in a locality where the ground is wet and spongy. In explanation of the novel name which it bears Mr. Stevens says: "I named it this because the thought occurred to me that if it were placed in proper hands, a machine like this would become a great civilizer."  **** DO NOT COPY ****  Violators will be prosecuted!

We place this invention, which is not patented, before our readers, as possessing features of real merit and utility, and well worth examination. The machine is not built for looks, and is open to that improvement which Mr. Stevens invites; but for work in virgin forest lands, and particularly in getting out those valuable hardwoods which abound in swampy jungles, it certainly should prove to be well adapted.



This information was transcribed in its entirety from the article entitled "A Steam Missionary" appearing on page 124 of the August 1, 1896 issue of Scientific American.

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